Netflix has officially dropped the trailer for their upcoming dark comedy series ‘No Good Deed’ which will be available for streaming, exclusively on the...
A brand new trailer has arrived for the upcoming 90-minute documentary about homelessness in the United States called ‘Americans with No Address’ which is...
Netflix has officially dropped the trailer for the highly anticipated docuseries ‘Mr. McMahon’ which focuses on the rise and downfall of disgraced, and controversial,...
The live-action version of ‘Masters of the Universe’ has officially casted Alison Brie to play the villainous Evil-Lyn, who is Skeletor’s second-in-command, in the...
Will Smith has officially departed the cast of the new thriller movie ‘Sugar Bandits’ which is being directed by Stefano Sollima, according to Deadline....
Martijn Tel has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer of BMI, the United States performance rights organization, according to an official release....
Republic President and Chief Operating Officer Jim Roppo officially announced that Republic Records has appointed Eddie Sears as its new EVP, Creative and is...
A brand new trailer has dropped for the Live-Action Minecraft movie called, ironically, ‘A Minecraft Movie’, starring Jason Momoa and Jack Black and is...